The Medrash Hagadol on Parshas Vayetze i says that when it says Vayetzei Yaakov , it means that Yaakov is going to daven; meaning to ask HaShem’s permission to leave Eretz Yisroel. He went to plead with the “ Pnei Hashechina ” face of The Divine Presence, to find out if this is the path Hashem wants him to take. His whole process of marrying the 4 sisters, meeting Lavan, produces 11 out of 12 tribes begins with a Tefillah to Hashem asking Him what He wants. Based on this Medrash we understand that when a person reaches a specific stage of life and they understand that things need to be changed and one makes the decision to take a new path it is a decision of “ Vayetzei” . That decision empowers a person to Daven and ask Hashem what He wants as we see by Yaakov. “So for me, yesterday at Mussaf , my three steps back before Shmone Esray was “ Vayetzei ”, my decision to make a change and become more. So then, my three steps forward for Mussaf was to find and discover n...