In honor of the Refuah Shlaima of Ruchama Aviva Bas Shaina Chana
Praying for allWhen I heard this concept, the question arose for me, how can I fulfill this Mitzvah, especially if this is a Halacha, if the “choleh” we are davening for is in a state of illness in which they are unable to speak, or respond?
I then remembered how Dovid Hamelech expressed himself, his neshama as a Tefilla. “ואני תפילתי” I am a Tefillah. A tefillah, is the highest expression of a human being through speech and articulation. A Neshama is etched from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Therefore the capacity to daven is not bound by a physical limitation.
So therefore I say “Ado- nai”!! - My Master… Sifasay Tiftach, You are the source of all that opens my lips, “Ufee Yagid Tehillasecha” and then my mouth will express Your Tehillos”
So i therefore ask You Hashem, Who is The Master of my Neshama, “Adon Kol Hanishamos” Master of ALL the Neshamos, “help me daven in such a way that inspires those who I am davening for! Help me inspire those who are ill to reach their highest expression of their Neshama to want to daven ! To Daven despite any seemingly physical limitation. Since You created Tefillah for us to use and change any reality, to heal as did our Avos and Imahos to have children when it was physically impossible and to heal and improve the world eternally..
May you Hashem, hear all of our Tefillos, and heal those who need healing, and hear these words even from those of us who can’t say the words, since I am relying on the words spoken by Shlomo Hamelech , of לְאָדָם מַעַרְכֵי לֵב וּמֵה׳ מַעֲנֵה לָשׁוֹן
By: M.S.
Bikur Cholim Halacha:
There are numerous Halachos with Bikur Cholim. So the Ramban spends a great deal of time speaking about speaking to the Choleh in such a way that the Choleh is inspired to Daven. In other words, to speak in such a way that the person wants to daven and the person feels a deeper connection or that the davening really can make a difference. So yes, the ultimate thing is to daven for the Choleh in such a way that the Choleh is inspired to daven with you. And that's considered the best thing. That's where the "Lev Shomeah" the heart that hears comes into play.
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