Using the Halachos of Bikur Cholim in my Tefillah-
In honor of Maras Aviva Bas Shaina Chana for a Refuah Shleima
Bikur Cholim- Checking out the situation.
To me this is acted out in Shmone Esray when I take my three steps back, to take the pause and contemplate before I approach Hashem in terms of Who am I approaching, In terms of Why am I approaching, and How am I approaching The Creator of The World.
Halachos of Bikur Cholim
- You can call a family member and say, "Can I call, or should I email, or should I text “?
- You're never allowed to go into the room of a Choleh and just be silent. You are Not allowed to, because then you're putting pressure on the Choleh.
- If you have tension with the person, you are not allowed to visit, because the person is vulnerable.
- You can't do it unless they specifically ask for you.
- If you're a close relative of someone who is sick, you may go and visit right away. This category includes a close relative, meaning a father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, spouse.
We learn this Halacha from Avraham Avinu , as Hashem visited him only on the third day. This is part of Bikur, to check them out. One needs to ask how will the person respond to me. (Gmarra N'darim).
Concepts of Halacha shared by Rabbi Weinberg, n''y
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