Using the Halachos of Bikur Cholim in my Tefillah-
Lo Saamod Al Dam Reyecha-
If Hashem created me with a Neshama, do I not have to take care of my Neshama, and provide the necessary items my Neshama requires in order to live?
If I neglect my Neshama needs is that similar to standing by and not helping myself and G-d forbid a form of death?
When I daven, it is my time to take stock of all of my needs for my nefesh, and make a Siddur, order of things I need so I can daven for them properly and not be a bystander . It is my opportunity to breathe Life in me . It is my air needed to live.
So I think that each of the blessings in the morning is my opportunity to measure and take stock of my Neshama and my time to infusing life of Bracha in each part/level of my Neshama!
Tefillah is my time to take very good care of my neshama for a continuous state of healing, and eternal life Biezras Hashem.
It is my time to be a best friend to me!
It is my time to be a best friend to others when I pray for them in this way!
It is my time to be a best friend to Hashem when I pray for Him..
And, if I pray in the same way for others, as I would for me, I see it as fulfilling the same Mitzvah just as the Cohen was held responsible if there was a person who had to flee to the "Arei Miklat" for a death in the community since that meant he did not daven for Klal Yisroel .
This was inspired by concepts below of Halacha of Bikur Cholim taught by Rabbi Weinberg, n''y
Hilchos Bikur Cholim
Mitzvah included in Bikur Cholim
This Mitzvah applies in Bikur Cholim because if the person is lying there in bed and doesn't have everything that he or she needs it's pikuach Nefesh. If the person is depressed, feeling alone, stuck and scared and no one's responding to that;.. That's Pikuach Nefesh-.
If you see someone dying, you are not allowed to just stand there and let them die. Meaning if you know that there's someone who's sick who needs your help and doesn't have anyone to help and you don't go, you're considered a killer.
Concepts taught by Rabbi Weinberg, n’’y
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