Much has been said about whether a person should eat or drink before davening in the morning. Among the considerations is the classic “Do you eat to daven or daven to eat,” or in other words, are you taking a little nourishment before davening so that you have the energy and are not distracted, and can daven with greater concentration, or are you just rushing through your davening—hungry or not—so that you can eat as soon as possible? The opinion that spoke to me (and this is just me) was that black coffee is pretty much accepted by most, which for me is a great thing, because I have loved black coffee for many, many years. This morning, as I enjoyed that first (actually second) cup of coffee and was beginning to focus on my davening, I recalled the lessons from Rabbi Weinberg on the bracha of Shehakol Nihyeh Bi’dvaro (see REVERSE RIPPLE) and Borei Pri Ha’eitz (see ORANGE CONCENTRATE). We learned of the exponentially expanding pieces that ...