The Shofar Leaves a Long-Lasting Impression
A verse states,
“My people did not hear My voice, and Israel did not desire Me” (Psalms
81:12). Because the Jews of the Exodus and the following generations did not
properly desire God, they did not hear His voice in a way that left a lasting
impression. And so immediately afterwards in the wilderness they refused to
obey Him, and later on, in the days of the judges and during the reign of the
kings, they neglected Him (Radak).
The way we hear the shofar of
Elul and Rosh Hashanah is determined by the level of our desire to connect to
God. If we desire to be completely attached to the Creator, we will receive a
message from the shofar blowing that will make a lasting impression on us.
By: Rabbi Simcha Weinberg, n''y
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