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Extra Protection !

  עַל־הַצַּדִּיקִים In the Bracha in Shemone Esrai of עַל־הַצַּדִּיקִים, we are given the ability to access the “Tzadik”.  It is leverage.  Similarly when we begin the Shemone Esrai with a Bracha of Avos.   We don’t have to be at the level of the Tzadik,  yet through tefillah we are given access to much much more!  In this Bracha we first can daven for them!  How humbling it is that Hashem grants us the ability to daven for those much greater in stature, just as we are able to daven for Hashem Kavyochal   Who is also called Tzadik.  And there is more! We get to ask to be placed in their Chelek of Schar ! So if I am worried that I am not deserving of the things I need, I can certainly ask Hashem to grant me the safety and security  presented to the Tzadik.וְשִׂים חֶלְקֵֽנוּ עִמָּהֶם לְעוֹלָם וְלֹא נֵבוֹשׁ כִּי בְךָ בָּטָֽחְנוּ! I think one can therefore use this Bracha when seeking protection from enemies that wield free choice; as ...
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A new Dimension of Love

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An Amulet for Ayin Harah

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