Prayer as Protection.
The Mizbayach according to the Pisikta Rabbasi Os Hay, says that the Mizbeach is the komea, amulet. The Mizbayach is the amulet HaShem gives us to protect us from the spectacular display of our having the riches and the blessings of Torah. So obviously anybody who looks at a Jew who has an opportunity to study HaShem’s Torah looks with envy, right? Don't you notice everyone turning green? All the time, right? I don't know if it's my eyes or it's reality. But everyone is turning green with envy when we live with the sense of the spectacular. of what's available to us when we have Torah!
So the Mizbeach , which for us is Davening because the pasuk in Hosheah says Unishalma Pharim Sifaseinu. , that since I'm creating a reality for you, promises the Navi and this that even when you don't have Pharim, a Mizayach on which to offer animals , Sifaseinu, our lips will suffice.
So our Davening is considered a komea, an amulet to protect us from the Ayin Hara from the evil eye, of anyone who will look at us with envy for our accomplishments and the wealth of Torah and knowledge and the joy and blessing we have in a direct relationship with Hashem.
So therefore, every time we go into Shmona Es Ray, actually, we are accessing a Komeah, a divine protection from the evil eye, which is why when my father zatzal wrote Komeahs, I don't know if any of you know this, but he actually wrote amulets, but he was hesitant, he wrote amulets, but not to protect people from an evil eye. Because he said, “You don't need an amulet to protect you from evil eye, you have your Shmone Esray as the Medrash says.
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