You take the Zechus of Avraham the Rokeiach says as follows. If you look carefully at the verses before the Karban Pesach in Perek Yud Bais ,(Exodus) when Moshe is first giving them, (Klal Yisroel) the Mitzvos that they have to do so he says , “everything has to be ready to go, you have to wear your belts and Naaleichem Biragleichem, your shoes on your feet. The Rokeach says What do you mean “ shoes on your feet”? Plus shoes on your feet we make a Bracha , a special bracha for shoes so there must be some kind of relationship between the bracha of Hameicheen Mitzadei Gaver and Moshe telling them at before they before they did the first Karban Pesach, and Naaeleichem Biragleichem You have to wear your shoes. Why do people wear shoes? They wear shoes if they're gonna walk. Who's the first walker? Avraham Avinu, Lech Licha He says, it is interesting, let's see if we could take this a little further because you know that we actually do something...