You feed
physically emotionally,
with gentle kindness and generosity
מחיה מתים, You bring back to life,
Physically, emotionally, spiritually
ברחמים רבים, with great mercy
סומך נופלים, You support the ones
falling so that they have a chance to get up and not fall too hard.
ורופא חולים, physically,
emotionally, spiritually
ומתיר אסורים , bound to trauma and pain
and You invest existence
of Your trust
לישני עפר, to those whose life seems to
be buried
מי כמוך, who is like to You?
בעל גבורות, You have the power of
always strengthening your patience and trust
ומי דומה לך, and who is similar to You? You never give up
forever Believing in your subjects
ממית You
bring death(or detachment) in order to bring ultimate healing of neshomos
carrying responsibility to re -imbue life
ומצמיח ישועה, and coordinating the
process of helping them morph into expansive healthy connected people.
ונאמן אתה, You invest your trust and
להחיות מתים, in order to bring back to
ברוך אתה השם, the source of blessing are You, Hashem
מחיה המתים, physically,
emotionally, spiritually, the live and the dead
(process of תחית
המתים after Moshiach comes
starts when you bury a person)
By: Faiga Leah Landau
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