there are two peshatim on why there is a vav. One is because the minute there
are tzaddikim there is Yerushalayim, and the thing that is holding back
Yerushalayim (Moshiach) is us not acting with enough beauty and grace to be
deserving of it. Tosfos says that Moshiach cannot come until the way we behave
is so beautiful that we are deserving of it. Not necessarily more observant,
but more beautiful in our observance...
We are not davening for what once was; we are davening for what can be greater
than anything that ever was before. But if you want to be in a place that is
better than the Yerushalayim of David Hamelech, better than the Yerushalayim of
Shlomo Hamelech, better than the Yerushalayim of Yehoshafat, Chizkiyahu, and
Yoshiyahu, you have to be prepared. You don’t go into the Palace of the King,
or even the White House unprepared without learning the formalities of how to
behave. The best way to daven for Yerushalayim the way it is in this bracha,
that is, for the real Yerushalayim, is to start preparing.
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