It was after the mikvah that I suddenly realized we started our relationship with God, with our Ezer Kenegdo, as neged, opposing. Then we learn about the highest form of the relationship which is Panim El 'Panim, facing each other. As it is with a husband and wife relationship. Hamaivin Yavin.
As the mikvah has the potential to repair the most intimate relationships. The Kavana when going to the Mikvah should be to learn how to cultivate a relationship of Panim El 'Panim, facing each other, seeing each other, rather than one of Neged, against each other.
May Hashem grant every Bayit in Am Yisrael this awareness so that we may all shift from a relationship of Neged, to a relationship of Panim El 'Panim.
From Mayim Tahorim
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