When thinking of the Halachos of Niteelas Yadayim, (Washing your hands) you don't , you can't touch your nose, your eyes, your mouth, your ears. So that because emptiness... , a sense of this invisible impurity, being able to damage me.
I remember trying to explain this to someone who's just learning about Judaism. You say, well, you really can't touch your hand and you mean is it for cleanliness? Well, part of it is that, but in the morning it's different because there's this thing called the Ruach Ra.
And now people because they're dealing with an invisible enemy, it's so terrifying. It's so dangerous. All of a sudden, we can begin to understand a Ruach Rah as being those moments in which we consider ourselves invisible to God, invisible to other people, and even worse, invisible to ourselves. We can begin to think of the parts of ourselves that we are continuing to treat as being invisible and not needing our attention.
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