Morning Brachos
"Here is the way I read the morning Brachos when I'm feeling helpless and scared to believe in myself."
פוקח עיוורים. Hashem opens my eyes to see the ways we can go.
But I feel naked and don't know how I can get there.
מלביש ערומים. Hashem supplies me with Livushim to follow my path.
But I feel STUCK.
מתיר אסורים. Hashem helps me be freed from my old patterns, if I want to change.
But I feel bent and broken, kvetching in my old habits and beliefs.
זוקף כפופים. Hashem helps me stand straight and believe in myself.
But the world seems unconquerable, unknown.
רוקע הארץ על המים. Hashem prepares land for me that I can see and feel safe to begin the journey
But I don't know where to start from
המכין מצעדי גבר. Hashem prepares my steps for me. everything I need to succeed in my journey. I just need to discover and use them
But I don't know where and what and how.
העושה לי כל צרכי. Hashem has given me all the skills and needs to make the journey.
But I still feel unable to, helpless
אוזר ישראל בגבורה. Hashem gives me the strength for the journey, to believe in my own inner strength.
But i feel stained from my past.
עוטר ישראל בתפארה. Hashem helps me see my beauty for who I am, and to find balance in pursuing my dreams and being healthy and present.
But I don't feel the strength to make this jump and go for it.
הנותן ליעף כח
Hashem gives me strength and resolution to follow my dreams, and wake up from my tiredness and heaviness.
המעביר שינה מעיני
Hashem helps me wake up from my dream of helplessness, and begin a new day in believing in myself.
Comments shared by Machberes Avodas Hashem
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